Poultry: GlucanGold improves animal health

The immunomodulator is an ally in maintaining the immune status of birds

With 60% of purified beta-glucans, GlucanGold contributes to more effective and long-lasting protection from sanitary and environmental challenges


O Glucangold is a product composed of purified beta-glucans, at a concentration of 60%. It is the only product in Brazil with this level of purified beta-glucans, with technology from the Yes team and developed in the country. The immunomodulator is a strong ally of producers for the daily challenges in poultry.

What are the challenges in poultry farming?

In winter, poultry farming faces extra challenges, which are the low temperatures and large temperature ranges, which are natural at this time of year. These temperature fluctuations overload the physiological system of birds in the quest to maintain their thermal comfort.

However, this situation also generates energy expenditure in normal situations, in which the birds would not use this energy to maintain the temperature.

And, with that, there is a loss of genetic potential, in addition to having an increase in respiratory challenges, but regardless of the time of year, birds face different challenges, as they seek to obtain maximum productive performance in their flocks.

This scenario takes the birds to the limit, whether broiler, breeder or commercial posture.

Action of GlucanGold in the organism of animals

Beta-glucan is an ally in maintaining the immune status of these birds, acting as an immunomodulator at the level of the intestinal and systemic mucosa. You beta-glucans purified, present in Glucangold, are obtained through a biotechnology process of purification of the yeast cell wall, in this case, we use Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

The form of use of this technology is through the feed, providing a balance of the immune system, contributing to a more effective and lasting protection against sanitary and environmental challenges. This positively impacts the production efficiency and profitability of the activity.

What are the benefits of the immunomodulator?

Among the benefits of using Glucangold, we can highlight the strengthening of natural defenses, the reduction of mortality, superior post-vaccination response and improvement in the balance of the intestinal microbiota, reducing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, the use of Glucangold in poultry production improves health and reduces the use of medicines, antibiotics, growth promoters, providing safer and better quality food production for the consumer.

We are passionate about science!

Founded in 2008, the YesSinergy® it combines animal welfare, food safety and sustainability to produce natural additives that replace antibiotics for animal health and nutrition. Since 2016, YES has been part of the Aqua Capital, investment fund aimed at companies in the agribusiness sector in Brazil and South America.