Yeast Nutrition and Animal Health Benefits
Yes has four yeast-derived products: dry, hydrolyzed, live and yeast wall
We have several yeast derivatives with different grades of protein, from 28% of crude protein to 40% of protein

Yes has four yeast-derived products: dry yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast wall and live yeast. We know that each part of the yeast brings a kind of benefit to the animal.
What do we find in the cell wall?
Beta-glucans and mannanoligosaccharides. Mannanoligosaccharides, agglutination of fimbriae pathogenic bacteria type 1. Beta-glucan, immunomodulation and adsorption of mycotoxins. Type 1 fimbriae bacteria such as Salmonella, like coli, they bring various harm to the animal.
Mainly, blood contamination, intestinal contamination… that is, disease, illness that the animal will have to fight against those bacteria that are not interesting, that are present at the intestinal level, at the rumen level.
Mycotoxins cause several economic losses. They cause diarrhea, liver problems, even liver necrosis, for example. And immunomodulation is the pillar for an animal to have the immune status prepared to defend itself against any disease.
So it's very interesting that you control intestinal pathogenic bacteria, like coli, like Salmonella, control the mycotoxins that may be present in grains, especially corn, sorghum, soy and wheat, and that you also prepare this animal immunologically to defend itself against any aggression to the environment. Dry yeast is whole yeast, but it is dehydrated, with a high concentration of protein. It has high digestibility, high concentration.
Dry, hydrolyzed, live yeast and yeast wall
We have several yeast derivatives with different grades of protein, from 28% of crude protein to 40% of protein. But yeast also has another benefit worth mentioning, which is palatability.
So, dehydrated yeast or dry yeast, it is an easy source of highly digestible, highly palatable protein, substitute for any other protein source you can use on the farm.
Hydrolyzed yeast is yeast that it has broken down into parts. So you get as many wall benefits as the extract benefits.
The wall: beta-glucan, mannanoligosaccharides. Extract: protein, inositol, glutamic acid, peptides. Yeast wall, it basically has two functions: that of agglutinating pathogenic bacteria, immunomodulating and adsorbing mycotoxins that may be present in the feed.
Another product derived from yeast is live yeast. It can be used for several species, mostly used in ruminants. What does it promote in the ruminant? Live yeast, it is an aerobic microorganism, that is, it needs oxygen to survive.
And ruminal bacteria, they prefer an anaerobic environment, low oxygen. So when I'm feeding live yeast to a ruminant, what am I doing? By making this live yeast start to consume the oxygen that is present in the rumen, decreasing the availability of internal oxygen.
So, the good bacteria, they multiply more without this oxygen, mainly bacteria cellulolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic. What do I do with this? First increase the digestion and absorption of cellulose, starch and protein at the ruminal level.
We are passionate about science!
Founded in 2008, the YesSinergy® it combines animal welfare, food safety and sustainability to produce natural additives that replace antibiotics for animal health and nutrition. Since 2016, YES has been part of the Aqua Capital, investment fund aimed at companies in the agribusiness sector in Brazil and South America.