
Gutbio improves the viability of farm animals and the longevity of companion animals

Poultry Summer Challenges

Summer challenges directly influence high-performance poultry production, as the threshold between profit and loss is very close.

Results of research on pets

We know that the relationships between tutors and pets are longstanding. These relationships were initially based on an animal as a working tool, but nowadays it is a relationship that involves a lot of feeling. It is a relationship based on wanting to provide your partner with health, well-being and longevity.

Yeasts and derivatives

Yes has four yeast-derived products: dry yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast wall and live yeast. We know that each part of the yeast brings a kind of benefit to the animal.

Ruminants: heifer health

We know the complexity of handling calves, from calf birth, cow motherhood, colostrum ingestion, postpartum drying of this animal, the environment it stays in, whether it's airy, whether it's dry, whether it's comfortable, all of that influences on calf rearing.

GlucanGold in poultry farming

Glucangold is a product composed of purified beta-glucans, at a concentration of 60%. It is the only product in Brazil with this level of purified beta-glucans, with technology from the Yes team and developed in the country. The immunomodulator is a strong ally of producers for the daily challenges in poultry farming.