We are in love with science.
We deep dive into biotechnology to create innovative, natural and effective products for animal health and nutrition.
Our team of scientists, technicians and biologists closely follow the real needs of the animal production chain and bring these demands from the field directly to our laboratory. Thereby, we can develop products that suit each species, always focusing on the health and the best performance of the animals.
In cooperation with Brazil’s leading universities, we test our products, create real scenarios and optimize costs for our customers.

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Increases the population of beneficial bacteria in TGI;

Higher concentration of fecal butyrate and lactate;

Reduction in the population of Clostridium perfringens it's from Enterobacteriaceae;

Significant decrease in the fecal concentration of ammonia, branched-chain fatty acids and linear decrease in biogenic amines (putrescine and cadaverine) in feces;

Better feces quality;

Expands the absorption area of the small intestine, making it healthier;

Reduction of E. coli in the fecal microbiota;

Improves Calcium and Magnesium absorption.
¹Consulted literature: Borges et al. (2003); Buddington & Sunvold (1999); Propst et al. (2003); Sparkes et al. (1998); Swanson et al. (2002); Willard et al. (1994).

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Reduces the incidence of diarrhea;

Improves the animals’ immune system;

Improves feces consistency, appearance and odor;

Promotes the development of beneficial gut microbiota;

Promotes the development of beneficial intestinal microbiota;

95% Salmonella and 100% E. coli agglutination (certified by LAPEMI / UFSM).

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Increases the population of bifidobacteria in cats (Abecia et al 2010);

Decreases the concentration of isovaleric branched-chain fatty acid in dog feces, which are responsible for their bad odor (Rentas et al, 2019);

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

It favors beneficial microflora: Mannans are used as a substrate by beneficial bacteria that increase the production of short-chain fatty acids. These compounds reduce the luminal pH and, together with other antibacterial substances and enzymes produced by the same microbiota and the increase in competitive exclusion, inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms, such as E. coli and Salmonella;

Agglutinates pathogenic bacteria with type I fimbriae: bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella bind to mannans and are carried out of the animal’s body, not adhering to the intestinal epithelium;

Acts on the immune system: the 1,3 and 1,6 β-glucans are able to modulate the immune system through specific interactions with several immunocompetent cells, promoting a better response and making the animal more resistant to pathogens;

Assists in the control of mycotoxins: the 1,3 and 1,6 β-glucans bind to mycotoxins through hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals bonds, preventing them from being absorbed by the animal organism.

Golf Fusion
Blend of prebiotics with bifidogenic and immunomodulatory effects.

Immunomodulatory effect;

Better control of Salmonella;

Better intestinal integrity;

Reduces the incidence of diarrhea;

Reduces gastrointestinal disorders;

Higher production of short and medium chain fatty acids (Butyrates, Propionates and Acetates);

Greater immunity.

Immunomodulator composed of concentrated and purified β-Glucans.

Enhances immunity, resulting in more health and animal welfare.

Broad-spectrum adsorbents to control the main mycotoxins.

Immunomodulatory effect due to the structure of the 1,3 and 1,6 ß-glucans;

It has activated charcoal, which is an efficient DON adsorbent and also acts in the production of the epithelial mucosa with bacterial and fungal toxin adsorption properties, improving intestinal health;

Polycationic bentonite, efficient adsorbent of Aflatoxins;

Due to the organic molecule that is part of its composition, it has high specificity of adsorption of low polar mycotoxins such as Fumonisin and Zearalenone;

Antioxidant function, with positive effects on animal performance, due to the action of organic Selenium.

Broad-spectrum adsorbents to control the main mycotoxins.

Adsorption of multiple mycotoxins in the field, such as Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Zearalenone, Ochratoxin, DON (vomitoxin) and T2;

Immunomodulatory effect due to the complex 1,3 and 1,6-β-glucans structure;

Elements that help maintain intestinal health;

Liver protectant due to the presence of Silymarin;

Antioxidant properties due to its Organic Selenium content.

Natural solutions with biological actives from sugarcane.

It is the yeast cell wall of Yes. It contains high concentration of β-glucans and mannans once the cytoplasmic content has been extracted;

1,3 and 1,6 β-glucans: stimulate the immune system, making the animal more resistant to infections. They also adsorb mycotoxins, binding to them and preventing their absorption by enterocytes;

Mannans: modulate the intestinal microbiota because, in addition to being used as a substrate by beneficial bacteria, they agglutinate pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli, ensuring the animal better health status.

Natural solutions with biological actives from sugarcane

It is the inactive yeast from Yes. It has an intact cell, inactivated after the drying process. It is used as a source of crude protein for animal nutrition;

Yes presents in its portfolio inactive yeasts containing from 28 to 40% of crude protein.

Natural solutions with biological actives from sugarcane.

It is Yes's hydrolyzed yeast, produced through the disruption of the cell wall by exogenous enzymes, making β-glucans and mannans available, in addition to intracellular content (nucleotides, polypeptides, glutamic acid, protein and B-complex vitamins). With controlled pressure and temperature, it is possible to obtain a more standardized final product;

Source of 1,3 and 1,6 β-glucans and mannans;

Highly digestible protein source (33 to 40%);

Nucleotide and glutamic acid source.