We are in love with science.
We deep dive into biotechnology to create innovative, natural and effective products for animal health and nutrition.
Our team of scientists, technicians and biologists closely follow the real needs of the animal production chain and bring these demands from the field directly to our laboratory. Thereby, we can develop products that suit each species, always focusing on the health and the best performance of the animals.
In cooperation with Brazil’s leading universities, we test our products, create real scenarios and optimize costs for our customers.

Golf EGG
Blend of prebiotics with bifidogenic and immunomodulatory effects.

Increases the number of eggs per poultry housed*;

Improves feed conversion per dozen eggs produced;

Improves feed conversion per egg mass;

Increases egg mass;

Improves the quality of eggs;

Greater production of short-chain fatty acids, with increased acidification of the environment, making the gastrointestinal tract hostile to the growth of pathogenic bacteria;

Contributes to the balance of the intestinal microbiota due to the increase in the population of beneficial bacteria, due to the performance of the FOS and GOS prebiotics and the agglutination of bacteria with type I fimbriae, such as Salmonella and E. coli, due to the agglutinating action of the mannanoligosaccharide;

Acts positively on animal immunity due to the action of the fraction of β-glucans, which act by modulating the defense cells of the animal organism;

β-glucans also contribute to mycotoxin adsorption, helping to maintain intestinal integrity, and the performance and health of layers.

Blend of prebiotics with bifidogenic and immunomodulatory effects.

Better feed conversion;

Improves weight gain;

Contributes to the balance of the microbiota due to the increase in the population of beneficial bacteria, due to the performance of the FOS and GOS prebiotics and the agglutination of bacteria with type I fimbriae, such as Salmonella and E. coli, due to the agglutinating action of the mannanoligosaccharide;

Contributes to the maintenance of the integrity of the skin of birds;

Helps to improve carcass characteristics due to the presence of organic Zinc and Selenium (Medeiros, 2012a; Medeiros, 2012b);

Increases the viability of birds due to the action of the Organic Zinc fraction;

Acts positively on animal immunity due to the action of the fraction of β-glucans, which act by modulating the defense cells of the animal organism;

β-glucans also contribute to mycotoxin adsorption, aiding in the maintenance of intestinal integrity, and in the performance and health of poultry.

Intestinal microbiota modulators with
immunomodulatory effect.

Preserves the intestinal epithelium integrity;

Prevents enteric diseases;

Better feed conversion;

Better intestinal competitive exclusion;

Assists in the absorption of Ca, P and Mg;

Indicated for all species and phases.

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Improves layers feed conversion (internal result)*;

Increases production and improves egg quality (internal result)*;

Makes the gastrointestinal system adverse to the development of pathogenic bacteria;

Increases beneficial bacteria population in TGI chickens (Jung et al 2008);

Improves mineral absorption (Mohsen & Zhao, 2015; Sanders et al, 2019).

Improves feed conversion;

Improves the balance of the microbiota.
*UNESP, 2019 (unpublished data).

Gutbio Mos
Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Promotes intestinal microbiota balance;

Improves intestinal integrity (villi / crypts);

Improves weight gain;

Better feed conversion;

Assists drug treatments for enteric diseases;

Greater viability;

Agglutination of 95% Salmonella and 100% E. coli.

Gutbio GLUCANmos
Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Promotes intestinal microbiota balance;

Better adsorption of mycotoxins;

Improves intestinal integrity (villi / crypts);

Improves weight gain;

Better feed conversion;

Better viability;

Assists drug treatments for enteric diseases;

Agglutinates 95% of Salmonella and 100% E.Coli (in vitro);

Increases the concentration of antibodies in the serum and in the intestinal mucosa;

Increases the synthesis of natural antimicrobials (hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide);

Greater stress resistance (cortisol);

It can be used as synergistic, substitute or rotational for APCs.

Concentrated ß-glucan with systemic immunomodulatory effect.

Increases the synthesis of defense cells;

Extends the action of the immune system in stress challenges;

Promotes anti-inflammatory effect even at low doses;

Improves post-vaccine response;

Greater viability.

YES - Fix hp
Broad-spectrum adsorbents to control the main mycotoxins.

Adsorption of multiple mycotoxins in the field, such as Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Zearalenone, Ochratoxin, DON (vomitoxin) and T2;

Immunomodulatory effect due to the complex 1,3 and 1,6-β-glucans structure;

Elements that help maintain intestinal health;

Liver protectant due to the presence of Silymarin;

Antioxidant properties due to its Organic Selenium content.

B360 Protegg
Minerals, prebiotics, probiotics and vitamins blends.

Calcium in organic form is more bioavailable and inhibits the negative interaction of absorption with other inorganic minerals;

Increases the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the formation and strengthening of bones, beak, paw and egg shell;

Inhibits the loss of bone matrix from spongy bones and fractures during the onset of egg-laying in young poutry or high production squad.


Better quality of eggshells;

Increases hatchability;

Improves embryonic viability;

It favors the immune response;

Contributes to the growth and development of animals.


Improves the metabolism of broilers and turkeys;

Promotes bone and integumentary growth and development of animals;

It favors the immune, reproductive and productive systems.

Minerals, prebiotics, probiotics and vitamins blends.

Better feed conversion and weight gain;

Better reproductive rates;

Better quality of eggshells;

Better quality of paws;

Modulation of the immune system;

Antioxidant action in the body;

Greater uniformity.

Complete portfolio of organic minerals.

More absorbed than inorganic minerals, reaching higher concentrations in the tissues;

Stability during the digestive process;

Safer in the presence of heavy metals;

Improve productive and reproductive performance of animals;

Better immune system responses;

Better animal viability;

Reduce contamination of soils and water sources, contributing to the environment.