



Intestinal microbiota modulator.
YES-GOLF is a revolutionary tool designed to stimulate the development of beneficial bacteria (mainly Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria), reducing the population of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli, and opportunists, like the Clostridium.
Favoring the balance of the intestinal microbiota, YES-GOLF improves the animal's productive performance and health status.

Microbiota modulating prebiotics FOS and GOS are fermentable soluble fibers that, as they are not digested by the animal's digestive enzymes, reach the large intestine, where they serve as substrates for beneficial bacteria, increasing the synthesis of short and medium chain fatty acids and bacteriocins.
With the increase in the population of beneficial bacteria, the growth of pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited through different means of action, namely, competitive exclusion, acidification of the intestinal environment and direct action of bacteriocins and short and medium chain fatty acids.
The reduction of enteritis and acidification of the intestinal pH favor the action of digestive enzymes, resulting in improved absorption of nutrients from the diet.
1,3-1,6-β-glucans and chelated zinc are immunomodulatory agents that enhance the activity of immune system cells. In addition, 1,3 and 1,6-β-glucans are mycotoxin adsorbents. Mycotoxins cause severe liver damage (hepatotoxicity) and impair digestive efficiency.
Physical agglutination of harmful bacteria:
MOS is a powerful agglutinator of bacteria with type I fimbriae, such as Salmonella sp and E. coli.


1,3 and 1,6 phosphorylated β-glucans;

MOS (mannanoligosaccharides);

FOS (fructooligosaccharides);

GOS (galactooligosaccharides);

Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium and Copper.

Immunomodulatory effect;

Greater bifidogenic effect;

Better weight gain;

Better feed conversion;

Better control of Salmonella.

Increased production of short and medium chain fatty acids.


Makes the gastrointestinal system adverse to the development of pathogenic bacteria;

Increases the population of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria;

Promotes immunomodulatory effect;

Increases SCFA production;

Greater control of diarrhea;

Better feed conversion and weight gain;

Assists in the control of Salmonella and E.coli;

Reduces team stress;

It can be used as a synergist, substitute or rotational to APC's and alternatives.


Better feed conversion;

Improves weight gain;

Contributes to the balance of the microbiota due to the increase in the population of beneficial bacteria, due to the performance of the FOS and GOS prebiotics and the agglutination of bacteria with type I fimbriae, such as Salmonella and E. coli, due to the agglutinating action of the mannanoligosaccharide;

Contributes to the maintenance of the integrity of the skin of birds;

It helps to improve carcass characteristics due to the presence of organic Zinc and Selenium (Medeiros, 2012a; Medeiros, 2012b);

Increases the viability of birds due to the action of the organic zinc fraction

Acts positively on animal immunity due to the action of the fraction of β-glucans, which act by modulating the defense cells of the animal organism;

β-glucans also contribute to mycotoxin adsorption, aiding in the maintenance of intestinal integrity, and in the performance and health of poultry.


Increases the number of eggs per housed bird;

Improves feed conversion per dozen eggs produced;

Improves feed conversion per egg mass;

Increases egg mass;

Improves the quality of eggs;

Greater production of short-chain fatty acids, with increased acidification of the environment, making the gastrointestinal tract hostile to the growth of pathogenic bacteria;

Contributes to the balance of the intestinal microbiota due to the increase in the population of beneficial bacteria, due to the performance of the FOS and GOS prebiotics and the agglutination of bacteria with type I fimbriae, such as Salmonella and E. coli, due to the agglutinating action of the mannanoligosaccharide;

Acts positively on animal immunity due to the action of the fraction of β-glucans, which act by modulating the defense cells of the animal organism;

β-glucans also contribute to mycotoxin adsorption, helping to maintain intestinal integrity, and the performance and health of layers.