Hidden enemies of poultry farming, mycotoxins are an extremely important issue, after all they are responsible for economic and yield losses in production.
Mycotoxins are produced by fungi belonging mainly to the species Aspergillus, Fusarium and penicillium, which invade crops in fields and crops and can grow in grains and feed during the time they are stored, and when they find favorable conditions of temperature and humidity.
The veterinarian and National Poultry Manager at Yes, Matheus Calvo de Paula, says that agricultural and food production organizations estimate that 25% of human and animal food is contaminated by mycotoxins. In this sense, great efforts are made every year to reduce these rates through the use of adsorbents.
“Despite this movement, achieving success depends a lot on each company's strategies and programs aimed at controlling mycotoxins. A typical example of this monitoring are the programs offered by some companies, which use NIR (Near-infrared spectroscopy – an advanced tool that assesses nutritional and quality parameters) technology to carry out the qualitative and quantitative identification of corn, which is the main feed ingredient, in addition to making available the information bank fed with data from the product itself”, explains Calvo.
The creation of a history makes it possible to identify the seasonality and challenges faced by different mycotoxins, as well as to compare the incidence of these challenges in other regions, or at the Brazilian level. This practice helps in decision making to minimize losses caused by fungal toxins.
Mycotoxins directly and indirectly affect the health and zootechnical indices of poultry production. The economic losses are mainly due to the decrease in the growth rate, reduction in feed conversion, losses in carcass yield and quality, drop in egg production and hatchability caused by the increase in embryonic mortality, and also cause the immunosuppression of birds , increasing the susceptibility to the onset of diseases caused by other opportunistic agents.
To control mycotoxins, Yes, a company that develops biotechnological solutions for effective, safe and sustainable animal nutrition, brings to the market its broad-spectrum adsorbent line. FIX. Produced in Brazil, Yes' FIX portfolio follows the strictest world quality standards and fights mycotoxins, capturing them within the body.
THE FIX line is composed of products that combine active phosphorylated β-glucans (extracted from the yeast cell wall Saccharomyces cerevisiae), enzymatically microparticles, polycationic bentonite, activated charcoal, organic molecule, organic selenium and silymarin (hepatoprotectant). “In addition to combating the main mycotoxins found in grains, its formulation also prevents the compromising of animal health”, concludes Matheus.
Meet the Fix line complete!
About Yes
Yes, a biotechnology company in animal nutrition, develops and produces nutritional additives such as mycotoxin adsorbents, prebiotics, organic minerals, blends and yeast derivatives with the aim of improving the performance and health of animals. All products comply with the strictest laws in world markets such as the United States and Europe.
Founded in 2008, Yes has a head office in Campinas/SP, four production plants, one in Lucélia/SP, one in Novo Horizonte/SP, one in Borá/SP and one in Conceição da Barra/ES, a center for Logistics and Distribution in Lucélia/SP and another in Londrina/PR. It operates throughout Brazil, in addition to exporting to over 35 countries, being present in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Since 2016 the company has been part of the investee portfolio of the Aqua Capital investment fund.