We are in love with science.
We deep dive into biotechnology to create innovative, natural and effective products for animal health and nutrition.
Our team of scientists, technicians and biologists closely follow the real needs of the animal production chain and bring these demands from the field directly to our laboratory. Thereby, we can develop products that suit each species, always focusing on the health and the best performance of the animals.
In cooperation with Brazil’s leading universities, we test our products, create real scenarios and optimize costs for our customers.

Blend of prebiotics with bifidogenic and immunomodulatory effects.

Makes the gastrointestinal system adverse to the development of pathogenic bacteria;

Increases the population of Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria;

Promotes immunomodulatory effect;

Increases SCFA production;

Greater control of diarrhea;

Better feed conversion and weight gain;

Assists in the control of Salmonella sp and

Reduces team stress;

It can be used as a synergist, substitute or rotational to APC's and alternatives.

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Preserves the intestinal epithelium integrity;

Prevents enteric diseases;

Better feed conversion;

Better intestinal competitive exclusion;

Assists in the absorption of Ca, P and Mg;

Indicated for all species and phases.

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Makes the gastrointestinal system adverse to the development of pathogenic bacteria;

Improves mineral absorption (Mohsen & Zhao, 2015; Sanders et al, 2019);

Increases the production of short-chain fatty acids in the TGI of swines (Smiricky-Tjardes, 2003);

It works with the intestinal development of suckling piglets (Tian, 2018);

Better productive performance in weaned piglets (Xing, 2020);

Increases the population of bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in weaned piglets (Xing, 2020);

Decreases the proliferation of E.coli in newly weaned piglets (Xing, 2020);

Improves piglet performance (Tian, 2018);

Decreases the depth of the piglet crypt (Tian, 2018);

Improves functional development in the jejunum of piglets (Tian, 2018);

Improves microbiota balance;

Improves feed conversion.
*UNESP, 2019 (unpublished data).

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Promotion of beneficial intestinal microbiota

Agglutinates pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli;

Higher production of short and medium-chain fatty acids

Acts on the immune system;

Adsorption of main mycotoxins;

Better weight gain.

Gut microbiota modulators with immunomodulatory effect.

Promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microbiota;

Improves feed conversion, weight gain and reproductive rates;

Agglutinates 95% of Salmonella and 100% of E.coli.

Concentrated ß-glucan with systemic immunomodulatory effect.

Purified ß-glucans that deliver up to 60% more activation of the immune response;

Better immunological status;

Reduction of mortality;

Reduction of stress levels (serum cortisol).

Broad-spectrum adsorbents to control the main mycotoxins.

Adsorption of major mycotoxins, such as: Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Zearalenone, DON (Vomitoxin), Ochratoxin and T2 ;

Immunomodulatory effect due to the complex 1,3 and 1,6-β-glucans structure;

Elements that help maintain intestinal health;

Liver protection due to the presence of Silymarin;

Antioxidant properties due to its Organic Selenium content, which can have a positive effect on the performance of the animals.

B360 Swine
Minerals, prebiotics, probiotics and vitamins blends.

Boosts immune responses;

Relieves physical and metabolic stress on the animal;

Higher productive and reproductive rates;

Reduces the risk of anemia in piglets;

Antioxidant action.

Complete portfolio of organic minerals.

Better feed conversion and weight gain;

Better reproductive rates;

Better hoof quality;

Modulation of the immune system;

Antioxidant action;

Greater uniformity.