The strength of GLUCANGOLD® on the intestinal microbiota.
Beta-glucan is not fermentable, it is recognized by the cells of the immune system.

Beta-glucan is also a non-metabolizable glucose polysaccharide. What does that mean?
This means that it is a very large sugar molecule and it is present in the alcoholic fermentation yeast in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, which is one of Yes's main raw materials.
This sugar, this beta-glucan, it's an immune system modulator. Why does he act like that? This glucose chain present in the yeast wall is also not metabolizable and passes intact into the gastrointestinal tract and when it reaches the intestine, it activates the immune system. That's what beta-glucan does.
He being alert, he is preventing disease. So, any incidence of any pathogen, the immune system works faster to convert that and also in the case of a treatment, in the case of a disease that is already installed, the beta-glucan also acts.
Beta-glucan is not fermentable, it is recognized by the cells of the immune system. And then it triggers those reactions. It makes pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory interleukins balanced to fight disease or prevent disease.
Hence it is an immune system modulator.