Summer challenges: fish depend on the temperature and environment in which they live

To maintain the health of fish it is necessary to be aware of the immune system

The recommended temperature is 25ºC to 28ºC, so that the animal is in a favorable environment. In summer, these temperatures, especially at night, fluctuate a lot

As well as the Winter, summer is also a period that demands attention from aquaculture farmers. As they are pecilothermic, fish depend on the temperature and environment in which they live.

In this season, one of the great challenges is the extensive periods of heavy rain, which can alter the water quality and physiochemical issues. These factors end up disturbing the fish's environment.

Summer feed offer

In addition, another factor of great relevance is the feed supply. During this period, the animals eat more and get better results in feed conversion.

At the same time, as temperatures soar, the fish speed up their metabolism and end up having a lot of feed left in the tank.

This leftover feed is transformed into waste and impairs the quality of the tank, the phytoplankton, changing the oxygenation condition and pH of the water.

What is the temperature recommendation?

The recommended fish temperature is 25ºC to 28ºC, so that the fish is in a suitable environment. In summer, these temperatures, especially at night, fluctuate a lot.

Expert Tip

In order to maintain the health of the fish, it is necessary to pay attention to the immune system. You immunomodulators, purified beta-glucans and natural immunomodulator, contribute to the balance of immunity. In addition to helping to balance intestinal integrity.

We are passionate about science!

Founded in 2008, the YesSinergy® it combines animal welfare, food safety and sustainability to produce natural additives that replace antibiotics for animal health and nutrition. Since 2016, YES has been part of the Aqua Capital, investment fund aimed at companies in the agribusiness sector in Brazil and South America.