The strength of agribusiness

Five years ago, agribusiness became the headline in one of the biggest broadcasters in the country. The campaign “Agro is Tech, Agro is Pop, Agro is everything” was in the unconscious of Brazilians and it worked so well that it was expanded – the initial idea was that it would end in 2018.

The importance of corn in animal feed

corn plantation

Celebrated on May 24, after Law 13.101, 2015, we officially have the National Corn Day, which is now in its sixth year of celebration. But, this story started much earlier, as one of the main foods of indigenous peoples and, with the evolution of animal production, it also became the basis of food in the processes of animal protein.

Pig farming in Brazil: production of the future

Our mission, going forward, will really be to produce quality meat. We will have a lot of work in the next decade to face all these new challenges that animal production and human health have brought us.

Green Patent

green patent

Patent Verde is a program established by the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), in which a company that meets its requirements can apply for inclusion. It analyzes whether its production process respects and contributes to the environment.